The Nicholls Family Tree

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The Lady in the Mantilla?

Family legend has it that one of our ancestors was from Spain (possibly Portugal). She was the daughter of a local landowner, but lacking parental approval, eloped with a (Scottish?) sea captain and they had two daughters. One of them may be Maria Hermanagilda. We have somewhere in the families' collections, a portrait of a Lady in a Mantilla, who may be our mystery ancestor. We are actively searching for this image. Best information is that she was the daughter of the Portuguese Consul General in Penang (then Prince of Wales Island). Note that a consul/general is not necessarily a native of the land he represents, but is often a merchant with connections to that country. This last bit of information is according to a hand written genealogy dating from 1970, from the papers of Henry Jackson in the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington. If you can cast any light on this, it may help resolve a long standing question.
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