Mr. Henry Jackson, one of the early settlers, passed away at his residence, Lower Hutt, this morning, at the advanced age of 77 years. Mr. Jackson joined the Indian navy as a midshipman at the age of fifteen, and remained in that service till its abolition, by which time he had attained the rank of captain. He came to Now Zealand in 1861, and at once entered the Survey Department under the Provincial Government, retiring in 1874 as Chief Surveyor of the Wellington Province.
He was elected to Parliament as member for Hutt in 1880, but only served in that capacity for a brief period. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years, chairman of Taita Public Cemetery Trustees, and a prominent member of Lower Hutt Anglican Church.
His end was somewhat sudden. He caught a cold last Monday, took to his bed on Friday, gradually became weaker, and expired at an early hour this morning. He is survived by a widow, six sons and two daughters. The sons are — Mr. R. K. Jackson, solicitor, Masterton; F. W. P. Jackson, accountant to Messrs. Nimma and Blarr, Dunedin ; Mr. E. H. Jackson, of the Union Bank, Timaru ; Mr. C. C. Jackson, sheep farmer. Mauriceville ; Mr. Percy Jackson, in the office of Messrs. Wilford and Levi, solicitors, Wellington ; and M. E. O. Jackson, of Mr. R. J. Thompson's staff, Lower Hutt. The daughters are Mrs. Barclay Hector and Miss Adele Jackson.