The Babelfish version (forwarded by KM): Using the AltaVista Translation program, if you run the Prime Minister's preamble through several different languages and translate it back into English, you get the following (which makes about as much sense as the original):- With hope in the God, that is determined Commonwealth from Australia by the same sovereignty everything its citizen. The Australian nation becomes together from the people of many sexes and of arrivals gesponnen. Our considerable island continent helped to form the fate of our Commonwealth and the alcohol of its people. Since the immemorial time our country was inhabited by the the native ones and the Torres Strait Islanders, which are honoured for their old and continuing cultivations. In each production immigrants got large enriching for the life of our nation. Australians are free to be proud on their country and inheritance freely carry out you as individuals, and release themselves you, in order to exercise their hopes and ideals. We analyze the exceptional performances therefore like the equitability, independence beloved how much the mateship. Of Australia democratic and Federal State form existierent under law, in order all Australians in a same would conserve and would protect, those would be conserved by prejudice or manner or ideology still be caused can be hurt against execution never. This alcohol, Australian people, we trusted to this constitution. [Amen] |